Monday, December 29, 2014

Announcement - Crushed By The Wheels Of Industry

As some of you might have noticed, I have been taking an extended break from blogging, only managing to post one article in 2014. Trust me, this is not because of any lack of interest, but the cold, hard realities of a highly demanding job (plus a demanding young family) have impacted my ability to write anything this year. As you might imagine, my type of analysis requires a lot of research and frankly I have not had the time to review football clubs' finances in any sort of detail, so I decided that it was not worth continuing.

I have occasionally managed to post a summary of a club’s financial performance on Twitter, but it’s not really the same thing. Gratifyingly, quite a few people have emailed me to ask for a return of the blog in some form or other, even suggesting that the Twitter summaries on the blog would be better than nothing.

I have given this a lot of thought and, like an ageing heavyweight getting back into the ring, I have decided to return to the blogging scene, though I will have to amend my style to reflect the limited amount of time available – either that or somehow work out how to survive on a couple of hours sleep a night.

Therefore, Swiss Ramble 2.0 will not feature the exhaustive analysis of days gone by, but I will try to pick out some key points that I think might be of interest to a club’s fans.

To be honest, I’m not sure whether this will work, but let’s give it a go.

In the next few days, you can expect to see pieces on Manchester United, Everton, Manchester City, Norwich City, Stoke City and Bayern Munich. After that, who knows?


  1. Very much looking forward to read your analysys. Thank you in advance!

  2. Please continue! Your insight and knowledge is invaluable

  3. Looking forward to it

  4. Definitely applaud the decision to return and quite honestly (and just speaking form myself), a shorter/more concise - or maybe breaking up single analysis over multiple posts - would be better for my consumption habits. Either way, definitely have missed your work!

  5. Thanks for informing us of the reason for the hiatus. Your analysis is exceptional, based on your detailed knowledge and research, so even in truncated form it will certainly be welcomed by me. I have found your long-form reviews extremely enlightening.

  6. Your stuff is great, glad to see you back in some form.

  7. I am thrilled to have you back. Your blog, and then your absence of blogging, are two of the major factors that started me blogging.

  8. Thank you! Short-form might even work better, IMHO

  9. And nothing on Liverpool FC? No, just joking! I am sure I will read your new posts with the same pleasure I read your old stuff. Welcome back to the blogging world :-)

  10. Great to have you back. Would love to read your insights into the Glasgow Rangers situation.

  11. Thanks! Your analyses are fascinating and add a whole new perspective to football fandom.

  12. fantastic - great to have you back!

  13. Welcome back Sir. I too, would be interested in your take regarding the financial situation at Rangers FC.

  14. A welcome return. Your efforts are appreciated!!

  15. Great to see you back. One of the best bloggers around and always one that I check fairly regularly to see if anything new has been published.

    Looking forward to reading some of your new posts.

  16. Really good to see you back in the ring. Consistently entertaining. One of a dwindling number of blogs that I regularly read and look forward to.

  17. Great to have you back! Glad, I didn't delete the link in my favorites.

  18. Super late to the party here, but just saw a link in a Blizzard e-mail and am delighted to hear that you're back in any form! Will be catching up on articles with interest!

  19. Thanks for your kind of knowledge.
